Notice: Data for determining a datum at this station was collected using non-standard methodologies and may not meet CO-OPS highest level of accuracy of 2 cm (0.8 in). The estimated error associated with the average six-minute water level observations relative to datum is expected to be within +/- 8 cm (3 in) at 95% confidence. Recognizing that these data can be used for certain applications CO-OPS is making these data available to its users with restraint. Users are cautioned to consider the accuracy of these data before using them for critical navigational or coastal engineering purposes.
Report Output:
Please select a report type and date range above and click Retrieve to generate a report.
WL Max/Min List
A list of maximum and minimum tides for the specified period, in table format.
WL Monthly Max/Min Report
A breakdown of monthly extremes for the specified period, in report format.
WL Top 10 Max/Min in Period
The top 10 maximum and minimum tides for the specified period, in report format.
WL 7 Day Report (Great Lakes only)
A report of the 7 days leading up to the specified "To:" date.
WL All Stations 7 Day Report (Great Lakes only)
A report of the 7 days leading up to the specified "To:" date, for all Great Lakes stations.
WL Hourly Report (Great Lakes only)
A report of hourly water levels for the specified period (ignores day of month).
WL Daily Report (Great Lakes only)
A report of the daily water levels for the specified years (ignores month and day).

Products available at 8771050 Renaissance SA-13 Platform,