Notice: Data from this station between August 1, 2010 and April 30, 2017 has been reprocessed and quality assured according to NOS standards due to an identified quality control issue. Users who retrieved data prior to July 31, 2017 may wish to re-download any verified six minute water level data, hourly heights, high/low and monthly means products for the affected period. The correction resulted in a mean difference of 1.6 cm and a standard difference of 2.8 cm between the previous and corrected data.

Today's Tides: Oct 22, 2024 (LST/LDT)
graphical depiction of high/low tide
12:47 PM
3:09 AMhigh 3.31 ft.
6:06 AMlow 3.07 ft.
12:47 PMhigh 5.33 ft.
9:03 PMlow 0.12 ft.

Note: The maximum range is 31 days.

Disclaimer: The predictions from NOAA Tide Predictions are based upon the latest information available as of the date of your request.

Products available at 9410230 La Jolla, CA