Morgan City PORTS, NOAA/NOS 2024-05-15 05:15 CDT                

----------------------------Water Levels (above MLLW)---------------------------
Eugene Island, Nort..    0.8 ft, Steady  LAWMA, Amerada Pass      0.9 ft,        
Berwick, Atchafalay..    1.5 ft, Steady  
                          Spd Dir Gusts                            Spd Dir Gusts
Eugene Island, Nort..    8 kn  SW     9  LAWMA, Amerada Pass      2 kn   S     3
Berwick, Atchafalay..    2 kn SSW     2  
----------------------------Air and Water Temperature---------------------------
                           Air   Water                              Air   Water
Eugene Island, Nort..    76 °F   75 °F   LAWMA, Amerada Pass     *** °F   76 °F
Berwick, Atchafalay..    72 °F   75 °F   
--------------------------------Relative Humidity-------------------------------
Eugene Island, Nort..              91%   
-------------------------------Barometric Pressure------------------------------
Eugene Island, Nort..  1010 mb Rising    LAWMA, Amerada Pass    1011 mb Rising 
Berwick, Atchafalay..  1011 mb Rising    
----------------------------Salinity/Specific Gravity---------------------------
                         Salin.   S.G.                            Salin.   S.G.
Eugene Island, Nort..   0.1 psu  0.998   
------------------Currents (F)lood, (S)lack, (E)bb, towards °T------------------
                          Spd          Dir                           Spd          Dir
Atchafalaya Bar Cha..  0.2 kn (S),  95.0°T 

*** Data not displayed as a result of quality control monitoring. For information on 
missing data, go to PORTS Station Status or call (301) 713-2540.